53rd Nohant Chopin Festival – ‘Chopin and the Romantic Exile’ – Reviews of recitals from 17th July – 24 July 2019

Le Nohant de Michael Moran

Michael Moran est écrivain. Il vit à Varsovie et écrit des critiques musicales pour de grands festivals et concours internationaux. Il a assisté au Nohant Festival Chopin pendant toute la semaine de juillet. Il en a rapporté un témoignage remarquable d’exhaustivité et d’érudition sur le Festival et l’ambiance des lieux. (en anglais)


I had read books, correspondence and seen many films dealing with the highly creative romantic relationship between the great French writer and polemicist George Sand and the composer Fyrderyk Chopin at Nohant-Vic in the Berry region of central France. He wrote many of his immortal pieces there. I felt I must make the effort to attend at least once, despite the rather complex journey from Warsaw.
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(en photo : le pianiste Janusz Olejniczak et Michael Moran)